Most commonly asked questions you should know about Salesmate CRM

6 min readNov 2, 2018


Businesses today are looking for newer ways of managing their customer relations. They understand the fact that the old-fashioned way of keeping records is not going to work in this fast-paced scenario.

They know about CRM, but they want to decode a CRM, how it works and how is it going to help them in upscaling their business. There are a lot of CRM vendors in this market who are providing their services to support the businesses with their automation needs.

In today’s scenario, where a business entity is looking for a 360-degree, we gathered some questions about Salesmate CRM and will be answering them in detail.

1. I have an ERP do I still need a CRM?

ERP and CRM systems use separate approaches to increase profit. ERP helps businesses reduce the capital spending of the businesses, CRM helps increase profits by making more sales. CRM helps you
keep all the data related to your customers at one place and works towards building the brand loyalty.

2. How customizable is the CRM software?

Salesmate is a highly customizable CRM system. You can customize the sales pipeline, play around with the way you want your dashboard to reflect your entire sales process. For businesses that have different sales departments, we allow them to create and customize their pipeline as per their requirements. They can also create multiple sales pipelines for different product lines.

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3. How easy is it to transfer data from my CRM to Salesmate, and how can I import data from excel to your CRM?

Migrating from another CRM to Salesmate is easy. With a click to go Import feature users can import the data from their previous system in .xls, .xlsx, .csv or .vcf versions.

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4. What are the sales force automation (SFA) capabilities of your CRM?

Salesmate offers various automation features that can help an organization deal with its numerous marketing campaigns to lure in the prospects.

  • deal management
  • email campaigns
  • social marketing
  • real-time alerts
  • basic organized workflow
  • trigger responses
  • customized templates
  • personalized messaging

We understand the need of our users, and we know that sales process are lengthy; taking up most of the selling time of the sales rep’s average working day.

Salesmate allows users to take the maximum advantage of our workflows that automate various sales tasks for the sales teams better productivity.

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5. How can I assign leads to my users in Salesmate?

You can either do it manually or you can use our workflow feature for automatically assigning leads to your sales reps.

Our workflows are easy to define and get triggered when any new deal, activity, contact or company is created or updated.

6. Is there a way I can work out of my Gmail account using Salesmate?

Salesmate offers two-way sync with which users can synchronize all their Google Apps into one powerful CRM. Not just Gmail but you can easily synchronize Google Calendar, Contacts, Drive and Maps. We even have a Chrome plugin (CRM for Gmail) that has been designed to be more powerful, fast and reliable to suit all your emailing needs.

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7. How different is Salesmate from Salesforce?

We are a great alternative to Salesforce when it comes to the amount of money a regular organization spends in procuring their services.

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8. Can I use Salesmate for my IT business?

Salesmate caters its services to a variety of organizations, be it small & medium businesses or the more prominent enterprises. Salesmate tracks the customer interaction, stores the related information and automates your marketing efforts. Even for an IT industry, Salesmate helps in increasing the customer satisfaction and retention and increases the sales and revenue margin.

9. I am an independent one-man business, how can Salesmate help me in my business?

Businesses of all sizes can benefit from Salesmate! For a single user managing data, in the long run, becomes really tough. We have various features that suit the budget of small businesses and with the features that come at the price you can be assured about the benefit, Salesmate can provide you in managing your data, reminders for your meetings, real-time alerts for every contact that is made by the prospect.

10. Can I synchronize my Google Contacts in Salesmate?

Salesmate allows each user to import their Google Contacts. It can thus create duplicates records, yet this can be avoided checking the duplicate records based on the email address. However, yet who should be Contact Owner? One contact can belong to multiple users in an organization. Thus to avoid any conflict of interests and data redundancy Salesmate currently does not offer Google Contact Sync.

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11. Can I forward emails coming to my email to a task or deal in Salesmate and how can I forward emails to Salesmate?

Yes, we have deal & task specific email address to forward your email communication to the specific deal or task. We also have a Bcc forwarding address ( How to configure incoming emails in Salesmate to forward all your emails to Salesmate Inbox. To know more about the set up and other usage please click on the link provided here.

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12. Is there one place where we can manage, edit or delete tags? All at once?

Yes, we have a Tag Management Library which users can use for managing all their tags.

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13. How do I delete email templates?

The existing email templates may be used somewhere or the other and have their usage statistics attached to it. Thus, we do not allow deleting email templates however we allow you to archive them to be referred at a later point in time.

For more support related article you can click on this link.

We welcome you to Salesmate! 🙂 A subtle yet systematic and intuitive sales intelligence-based CRM that provides high quality service without blowing a hole in your budget. Want to know more? Start a free 15-day trial, today!

